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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service

The 99th percentile: That is our target for your 2–3-minute video abstract. When your journal gives you the opportunity to submit a video abstract, use LetPub to complete this resource-intensive task on an expedited deadline. Our team of innovative script writers, illustrators, animators, editors, and professional voice actors will produce a video abstract of exceptional production quality. A creative lead and scientific adviser (PhD or MD) will verify the quality and accuracy of the project to ensure that your manuscript has the potential to be promoted by the journal as a featured video abstract. This product can also be leveraged to promote your work in ways that are unmatched by traditional manuscripts. Examples include social media postings, department newsletters, university and laboratory websites, and TV news segments; the video abstract is a reusable communication tool!

Our Service

Our production team will:
Adapt your abstract into a narration-appropriate script for professional voice recording
Design, illustrate, and edit a video that tells the story of your work, complete with narration, music, sound effects, illustration, animation, and live-action edits
Provide revisions or corrections according to your comments to ensure an accurate, engaging representation of your work

You will receive:
A creative, effective video summary in your required video format (150–180 seconds)
Separate audio and slide files used for your project
A complete and accurate transcript of the narration
Promotion of your video on our social media platforms




15-20 business days

How it works

Click on Get Started and you will be directed to the inquiry form.
Day 0
Approve the narration and title slide of your Storyboard.
Day 10
Approve the animated Milestone Video.
Day 20
Receive your completed Video Abstract and all ancillary materials.
Day 25


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Our Guarantee

Our track record allows us to offer the following guarantee: If your target journal or scientific organization rejects your video abstract for any reason, LetPub will re-edit the video for free to meet their requirements.

Service Terms

In-scope client-requested revisions are accommodated as part of the purchase price for the service. In-scope revisions constitute those revisions necessary to refine the final deliverable to meet the original project brief, pending client approval. All revisions requested after delivery of the completed project will be subject to an additional fee at the discretion of LetPub. Out-of-scope revisions—including, but not limited to, requests for novel designs beyond the original brief, requests for design elements beyond the contracted service, and requests to revise elements previously approved by the client—will be subject to an additional fee at the discretion of LetPub.


Jia Li

Ocean University of China

This is the second time I've polished my paper, and I have been recommending my classmates in the laboratory to edit their papers with LetPub. The effect of the revision is quite good, and the revision is very comprehensive and careful. After submission, the reviewer did not raise any questions about the language of the paper. LetPub's account manager is also very enthusiastic and responsible. They patiently communicate, and answer any questions, provide good service, and even send emails during the holidays.

Xin Qu

Anyang Institute of Technology

This is the second time I have asked LetPub to help polish the language. After the article has been edited by LetPub, the language was greatly improved. I will continue to cooperate with LetPub in the future! ! !

Yang Chen

Zhejiang University

The first time I cooperated with LetPub, the feedback was very professional, and some of my conceptual errors were corrected. I would recommend it to colleagues and friends in need

Xiaodong Wang

Chaohu University

Before my colleague referred me to LetPub, I originally tried to polish the article myself. LetPub proved that their service is very reliable. The polishing result has also been recognized by the journal that submitted the manuscript. No reviewers found any language problems. Thank you LetPub!

Jian Zhang

Shandong University

The journal cover art is very good to make, and the article has been successfully accepted, thank you LetPub. I'll choose to do it here next time.

Ning Wang

The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University

The second edit was very good, and it was accepted after the overhaul was posted. Original: Women with pre-pregnancy overweight and obese had increased risk of having newborns with macrosomia and LGA than normal-weight women, both unadjusted and adjusted for all the potential confounders. After modification: Women who were overweight or obese pre-pregnancy manifested an increased risk of having newborns with macrosomia and LGA relative to normal-weight women, regardless of whether values were unadjusted or adjusted for all potential confounders.

Zhenzhen Dong

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

LetPub's editing service helps to revise some grammatical errors, and correct certain expressions, which saves time.

Guilong Zhang

Binzhou Medical University

The language of the article is polished in LetPub, and the revision is very good. The entire submission process is also very smooth, and the reviewers all praise the language of the paper!

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