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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service

Grant Editing and Evaluation is a personalized, expert scientific consultation that seeks to elevate the benchmark for your grant proposal. You let us know your funding target, and we help you re-engineer your proposal to improve your Grant Score . Our editor and grant expert takes your proposal line-by-line to improve the language. Crucially, we rework your language and provide suggestions from a senior editor in your field (PhD or MD); each editor has a track record of successful grant submissions with major funding agencies. For flexibility, we offer two service options. The Essentials Level provides a complete, accurate language edit and focuses on a rigorous and comprehensive scientific evaluation of your proposal. The Signature Level extends this evaluation to include a full proposal rework with extensive revisions and recommendations via our Editor Commentary document, and comprehensive formatting according to your funder’s requirements. This ensures that your proposal meets high writing standards in English and that the level of the proposal’s structure and the scientific rigor are elevated. Importantly, our team focuses on the novelty and impact outlined in your proposal in order to raise your proposal above the benchmark set by the funders. The ultimate goal of Grant Evaluation and Editing is to increase your Grant Score and ensure that your submission will stand out during the selection process.

Our Service

Our editors will
Perform our Language Editing service
Evaluate your proposal and revise according to specific Grant Score    criteria
Correct errors, omissions, and deficiencies to raise your Grant Score   and mitigate reviewer criticisms
Perform our comprehensive Scientific Editing service
Provide a rigorous rework of your proposal according to our Grant   Score criteria with revisions and comments that improve the benchmark   of your proposal
Improve clarity and rigor of your scientific logic, hypotheses, literature   review, methodology, and statistical analysis
Identify and correct errors, omissions, and deficiencies that would   otherwise be used by reviewers to reject your proposal
Complete formatting according to the guidelines of your funder
You will receive
Benchmark improvements to the text for a clear and accurate   proposal
A track-changed Word document with in-line revisions designed to   raise your Grant Score
The LetPub Proposal Scoresheet outlining improvements made to   your Grant Score and options for further enhancing your research   plan
Quality control and editorial oversight of your proposal by a senior   associate editor and managing editor
Benchmark improvements to the text for a clear, accurate, and
   scientifically rigorous proposal
A track-changed Word document with in-line revisions and comments   that identify and correct language and scientific concerns
Elevation of the novelty and impact statements to help you   outcompete other applicants
A full Editor Commentary file that addresses all potentially significant   reviewer concerns and criticisms and provides scientific feedback   from our editor
The LetPub Proposal Scoresheet outlining improvements made to   your Grant Score and options for further enhancing your research   plan
Full revision and guidance on missing or incomplete components   according to your funder’s formatting requirements
Quality control and editorial oversight of your proposal by a senior   associate editor and managing editor
Starting at $195

Starting at $515

5-7 business days

7-13 business days

Our Guarantee

Our track record allows us to offer the following guarantee: If the client accepts all recommended changes and the document is still rejected solely for errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar, then LetPub will re-edit the document for free or provide a full refund of the editing service


Shuhui Wang

Zhengzhou University

The editing level is very professional, and the revision is very timely. At the same time, the client manager communicates very smoothly.

Yang Yu

University of Melbourne

Many thanks to Doris, a client manager at LetPub, for helping to get our cover illustration production work started during the National Day holiday week. Despite the tight turnaround, the final design met all the requirements and was successfully chosen by the journal for the cover. I will choose LetPub's service again in the future. I wish LetPub great success!

Zhe Wang

Central South University

I am very satisfied with the polishing service provided by LetPub. Due to the strict deadline, I asked for a quick turnaround. The staff was very patient and very active in helping me. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the LetPub staff!

Ning Wang

The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University

The second edit was very good, and it was accepted after the overhaul was posted. Original: Women with pre-pregnancy overweight and obese had increased risk of having newborns with macrosomia and LGA than normal-weight women, both unadjusted and adjusted for all the potential confounders. After modification: Women who were overweight or obese pre-pregnancy manifested an increased risk of having newborns with macrosomia and LGA relative to normal-weight women, regardless of whether values were unadjusted or adjusted for all potential confounders.

Guilong Zhang

Binzhou Medical University

The language of the article is polished in LetPub, and the revision is very good. The entire submission process is also very smooth, and the reviewers all praise the language of the paper!

Jun Wu

Donghua University

LetPub's translation service is very professional, and the reviewer recognizes the language and can provide professional certification.

Jia Li

Ocean University of China

This is the second time I've polished my paper, and I have been recommending my classmates in the laboratory to edit their papers with LetPub. The effect of the revision is quite good, and the revision is very comprehensive and careful. After submission, the reviewer did not raise any questions about the language of the paper. LetPub's account manager is also very enthusiastic and responsible. They patiently communicate, and answer any questions, provide good service, and even send emails during the holidays.

Xixia Zhao

Southern University of Science and Technology

Thank you to the professional editing service of LetPub editors. After the editing, the wording and grammar level of the article has been greatly improved, and the article was accepted smoothly.

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